Changes in the Editorial Team of Kontur Magazine
Starting in 2025, Zsófia Nagy steps down as editor-in-chief
Zsófia Nagy, one of the founders of Kontur Magazine, has served as the editor-in-chief for nearly three years, supporting the work of our authors and editors with high standards and conscientiousness. We are grateful for her tireless and patient work, and for her contribution to the creation and development of a community in Slovakia that fills an important gap in promoting and presenting the visual arts in the region at a professional level.
Zsófi completed her PhD in Cultural Theory at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, defending her dissertation titled The Linguistic-Cultural Representations of Hungarian Identity in Slovakia (A szlovákiai magyar identitás nyelvi-kulturális reprezentációi). Since April 2024, she has been working at the Slovak National Museum – Museum of Hungarian Culture in Slovakia. Additionally, she is active as a curator of Slovak exhibitions and as an author of professional articles and studies.
We are pleased to continue having her as a member of the editorial board. We wish her much joy and patience in motherhood!

From January 2025, the roles of editor-in-chief will be shared by Zsuzsanna Somogyi (Hungarian editor and author) and Renáta Sz. Bodó (managing editor).
Zsuzsanna Somogyi studied pedagogy and visual arts at Eötvös Loránd University, the University of Maribor, and the University of Trnava. She currently works at the Liszt Institute in Bratislava. As an artist, she works in the field of intermedia under the name Ida Zsuzsanna Papp.
Renáta Sz. Bodó, the founder of Kontur Art Project, studied art history and the research and valorization of cultural heritage in Cluj-Napoca. She obtained the absolutorium in 2022 from the Doctoral Program in Cultural History at Eötvös Loránd University. She has gained experience as a museologist, expert in cultural heritage projects, and as a curator for exhibitions in Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia. Her main research areas include architecture and cultural history during the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy.
Noémi Czinege, author of our exhibition critiques and interviews, will also support our work this year as an editorial assistant in addition to her role in social media communication. She graduated in 2024 from the Master’s program in Art History at Masaryk University in Brno. As a freelance curator, she works on contemporary art projects.
Kontur Magazine’s Slovak editorial team is pleased to welcome its newest permanent member, Ádám Korcsmáros, whom our readers may already know as one of our authors. Ádám completed his studies in art history and theory at the University of Trnava, where he is currently pursuing his doctoral studies. He teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and works at the Gandy Gallery. His primary research areas are architectural theory and cultural history.
We are thrilled that Kontur Magazine has expanded with new energy and expertise, and will continue to operate as Slovakia’s only trilingual online art magazine.