Call for Outdoor Artwork Proposals
The Regional Tourism Centre Of Košice (Organizácia Košice Región Turizmus) and The Košice County Municipality (Košický samosprávny kraj) are launching the open call of the Art at Location X (Umenie na mieste X) project for the second time, aiming to expand last year’s collection of five land art artworks and to turn the areas of public land into an open-air gallery. The Umenie na mieste X project aims to develop the region at the intersection of art, people, nature and local features based on the principles of ecotourism.
As in the past, the project will be curated by art historian and art writer Peter Megyeši. The jury includes Dorota Kenderová, director of the Gallery of Eastern Slovakia; Viktória Mravčáková, architect and urban planner; Peter Tajkov, art theorist; Adrián Kobetič, art historian; Lenka Vargová Jurková, executive chairwoman of the Regional Tourism Centre of Košice; Katarína Onderková, architect and Attila Török, destination manager.
The artworks of last year’s winners of the open call have been on display since last June in the Zadielska Gorge, near the Senianské Lakes, by the Herlany Geyser, at the Turzovské Lake, and at the Sans Souci summer house at Iliašovciach.
The deadline for the first round of the competition is 30th November 2023. The winning artist or creative team will receive a €3,000 prize and a maximum of €12,000 per work to cover the artwork’s production costs.
The application form and the conditions can be found here.