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Call for Applications – Culture Moves Europe

The third round of the Culture Moves Europe Individual Mobility Action is open for applications from artists and cultural professionals, both individuals and groups, until November 30.

Culture Moves Europe is a mobility programme funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme and implemented by the Goethe Institute. The programme provides support for artists, cultural professionals, and host institutions operating in countries participating in the Creative Europe programme. It promotes sustainable and inclusive mobility, with a special focus on emerging artists and cultural professionals.

Under this programme, individual artists and cultural professionals over the age of 18, as well as groups of individuals (2-5 members), can receive funding to carry out their cultural mobility projects in another country participating in the Creative Europe programme.

The project should pursue two of the following goals:

  • to explore: to conduct creative and artistic research, to investigate, inspire and work on a specific theme or a new concept
  • to create: to engage in a creative process seeking to produce a new piece of artistic/cultural work
  • to learn: to enhance competences and skills through non-formal learning or collaboration with a specialist
  • to connect: to develop a professional network, to strengthen the  professional development, to engage with new audiences

The official call for applications and the necessary documents can be found on the European Commission’s online platform.